Dog Training: Positive vs. Negative Reinforcement

Welcome to a deep dive into the growing world of dog training, where the words positive and negative take on whole new meanings. If you’re a dog owner, animal behaviourist, or simply a pet lover eager to understand the nuances of shaping your furry friend’s behaviour, you’re in the right place!

This deep dive into dog training methods, particularly focusing on the distinctions between positive and negative reinforcement, draws insightful information and perspectives from Karen Pryor’s seminal work, “Don’t Shoot the Dog”. Pryor’s contributions to understanding animal behaviour and training have been revolutionary, guiding both professionals and pet enthusiasts. Keep this in mind as we unravel the layers of dog training philosophies together.

What is Reinforcement (in the context of dog training)?

At its core, reinforcement in dog training is all about encouraging behaviours we love to see in our pets. This can be done through positive reinforcement, which involves adding something pleasant to increase a behaviour, or negative reinforcement, which entails removing something unpleasant to encourage the desired outcome. But there’s so much more to these seemingly straightforward concepts.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the warm, fuzzy side of training. It’s the treats, praises, and belly rubs we give when our dogs do something right. It’s all about adding something positive to reinforce a behaviour, making it more likely to occur again.

Example of Positive Reinforcement in Action

Imagine you’re holding a tasty treat right above your dog’s nose. Naturally, your dog’s gaze follows the treat, and as you slowly move your hand up and back over their head, their bottom will likely hit the ground in a sitting position. This is a natural stance they take, which we can use to our advantage.

The moment their bottom touches the ground, that’s when you say “Sit!” in a cheerful tone, and immediately give them the treat along with some cheerful praise. This way, your dog starts to associate sitting on command with something positive - like getting a delicious treat and hearing your happy voice.

By consistently repeating this process, you’re positively reinforcing the ‘sit’ command, making it more likely your furry friend will sit on cue in the future because they know something good is coming their way. It’s all about timing, consistency, and making the entire process enjoyable for both of you!

Trainer treating a dog that is offering it's paw, a desired behaviour

Timing is everything when it comes to positive reinforcement. To ensure the effectiveness of this training method, the reward (or reinforcer) must be given immediately after the desired behavior is displayed. This helps your furry pal make a clear and direct connection between what they’ve done and the positive outcome that follows.

If there’s too much of a delay, your dog might not associate the treat or praise with the specific action you’re trying to reinforce. Imagine if you rewarded your dog for sitting, but only after they’ve stood up and started walking away. They might think walking away is the behavior that earned them the treat!

Keeping the reinforcement immediate helps maintain clarity in your dog’s mind about which actions earn them those delightful rewards. It’s like pressing a button and getting an instant result – that immediate satisfaction is what keeps the learning process both effective and fun.

Negative Reinforcement

Stepping into a slightly more complex territory, negative reinforcement involves removing an undesirable stimulus to promote a positive behaviour. Unlike what it might sound at first glance, it’s not about being negative or harsh but about creating a relief scenario that encourages repeating the desired behaviour.

Since negative reinforcement involves the use of an aversive stimulus, the approach is risker and may result in undesireable side effects. More details regarding the effects of punishment will be shared in a separate article. However, for beginneres (such as myself), we can limit negative reinforcement or only utilize this tool under instructions of a professional dog trainer.

Example of Negative Reinforcement in Action

For instance, if your dog has a habit of pulling on the leash during walks, you can use negative reinforcement to correct this behavior. Initially, when your dog begins to pull, you stop walking. This removal of progress (the positive reinforcement of moving forward) makes the dog realize that pulling doesn’t achieve their goal of exploration or getting closer to something interesting.

Additionally, the pressure of the leash on the dog’s collar or harness serves as the negative reinforcer. It’s uncomfortable but not harmful, and it persists as long as the pulling continues. By implementing the “come back” cue you’ve already established, you signal to your dog to return to your side, easing the pressure on their collar or harness.

Once they comply, and the leash pressure is removed, they learn that staying close and not pulling is the desirable behaviour that removes the unpleasant stimulus. This combination of stopping movement and applying the “come back” cue, followed by relief from pressure when they comply, reinforces to your dog that walking nicely without pulling is the way to enjoy the walk fully.

Dog pulling hard on a leash, resulting in the owner struggling to walk

We personally struggled with a leash pulling issue. Checkout how to stop your dog from pulling on the leash article, to see how we attempted to resolve it.

It’s vital to ensure that your furry friend clearly understands the desired behavior that will remove the aversive stimulus before you apply negative reinforcement. This clarity makes the training strategy not only effective but also fair. Imagine trying to solve a puzzle without knowing what the final picture should look like; it’s frustrating, isn’t it?

A man frowning in frustration, because it's unclear what is expected from him

The same goes for our dogs. If they don’t know what we expect from them, how can they succeed? So, take the time to communicate clearly through consistent commands and signals. When your dog knows exactly what behavior will make that uncomfortable pressure from pulling on the leash go away, they’re much more likely to repeat the behavior you want. This approach not only strengthens the bond between you and your pet but also fosters a positive learning environment.

Shaping a Behaviour

For reinforcement strategies to truly work, there’s a key principle we can’t overlook: the behavior we want to reinforce has to be expressed first. It’s like trying to reward a plant for blooming when it hasn’t been given the sunshine or water needed to grow. For instance, we can only reinforce the sit command positively if our dog actually sits. Similarly, the come back command can only be negatively reinforced if our dog already understands and can perform the behaviour of coming back when called.

You can only reinforce a behaviour that is already being offered by the dog! If the dog is not offering the behaviour, you would need to gradually guide the dog to express the behaviour. This activity of guiding the dog to express a behaviour is referred to as shaping.

If our dog hasn’t learned these behaviors yet, it’s our job to patiently and gradually shape these actions. Shaping involves rewarding approximations of the desired behavior until the full behavior is achieved. It’s a bit like assembling a puzzle — you celebrate each piece that fits, gradually building towards the complete picture. This method is not just effective; it’s also a way of engaging with our dogs and teaching them in a manner that’s both understanding and supportive.

I’ll tell you straight up, we won’t be able to deep-dive into the nuts and bolts of shaping behaviors in this article. I know, shaping is super crucial and utterly fascinating – it’s like giving a sculptor’s touch to your dog’s behaviors, bit by bit. But hang tight! We’re planning to unravel the mysteries of shaping in a dedicated piece down the road.

For now, we’re going to work with the assumption that our furry friends are already showing glimmers of the behaviours we’re aiming to reinforce. Whether it’s a tentative sit, a half-hearted come back, or a somewhat successful stay, we’ll start from wherever they are and work our way up. This approach keeps our current focus clear and manageable, setting us all up for success. Stay tuned for our future exploration into shaping – it’s going to be a game-changer!

Applying Reinforcement during Training

Training our dogs is an art as much as it is a science. Here are some tips to make reinforcement work effectively:

The forthcoming applications of reinforcement techniques are based on personal experiences with my own dog, Storm, an Australian Shepherd known for their high energy and intelligence. Each example is drawn from our real-life adventures in training and bonding, providing practical, firsthand insights into the thrilling world of dog training.

Timing of Reinforcers

The quicker the reward after the desired behaviour, the better. Dogs live in the moment; making that connection clear is crucial.

Remember the example we touched on above? You say sit to your pooch, but then there’s this tiny, almost comical scramble for the treat in your pocket. In that little moment of chaos, your dog decides sitting is overrated and pops back up. Now, if you hand over that treat with your dog standing, you’re accidentally telling them, “Hey, standing is pretty great too!” That’s not the message you want to send. The goal is to reinforce the behavior you’re looking for—in this case, sitting—right as it happens. It’s all about making that connection crystal clear.

Size and Variety of Reinforcers

Not all treats are created equal. Sometimes a small nibble is enough; other times, you might need something more tempting to get the message across.

When it comes to treats, it’s not just about size; it’s also about the quality and appeal. Just like us, our furry companions have their own preferences, and understanding this can make a world of difference in training. For instance, comparing kibble, a standard go-to for many dog owners, with something more gourmet like a lamb nugget, demonstrates the spectrum of value. Kibble might do the trick for basic training or routine rewards, but if you’re working on something challenging, you might find a lamb nugget grabs your pup’s attention much more effectively.

Line of treats arranged from low value to high value

Then, there are the high-stakes treats – the ones that really make their tails wag, like a tasty chicken neck or beef lung. These are like the gold standard of treats, offering a high value to your dog and, in turn, potentially providing higher reinforcement for desired behaviors.

However, we also need to watch out and not overdo it. If the same high-value treat is used excessively, it might lose its appeal, becoming just another mundane snack to your dog. Hence, understanding and rotating the variety of treats based on their value can keep your dog engaged and make training more effective without diminishing the incentive.

Jackpot and Variable Reinforcement

Intermittently reinforcing behaviour with unexpected rewards keeps dogs interested and guessing. Think of the jackpot as the surprise bonus that makes the game of training even more exciting.

This strategy of using jackpot and variable reinforcement in training our dogs is surprisingly similar to what keeps gambling addicts pulling the lever of a slot machine. Just like gambling addicts are lured by the unpredictable reward, our furry friends become keen on performing good behaviors in hopes of hitting the ‘jackpot’. The anticipation of a high-value treat keeps them engaged and eager to please, not unlike how the unpredictability of winning draws gamblers back for more.

A room of poker players, representing the same intermittent reinforcement reward system when gambling

Yet, there’s a heartwarming twist to our approach – we’re leveraging this powerful reward pathway for a positive purpose. Instead of getting hooked on the risky allure of gambling, our dogs are getting hooked on good behaviors. It’s all about creating a healthy addiction to obedience, tricks, and manners, transforming our pets into enthusiastic participants in their own training. This technique not only strengthens the bond between pet and owner but also encourages a fun, rewarding learning environment.

Conditioned Reinforcers: The Magic of Click!

A clicker can be your best friend in dog training, acting as a precise marker to indicate the exact moment your dog does something right.

The true magic of using a clicker lies in its capacity to make the timing of rewards incredibly precise, which is vital for timely reinforcement of the behavior you’re trying to teach. This precision is crucial; it helps your dog understand exactly which action earned them a treat.

Picture this: your dog sits on command, and you instantly click the clicker, even if it takes a second to fumble for the treats in your pocket. This is significantly more effective compared to a delay in giving the treat without the click, as the dog might become confused about which behavior was correct. The clicker serves as an immediate signal of success, bridging the gap between the action and the reward, making the learning process clearer and more straightforward for your dog.

Dog drooling when bell is rang, because it's conditioned to associate the bell with incoming food

Understanding the Difference Between Negative Reinforcement and Punishment

It’s essential to draw a clear line here. Negative reinforcement is about removing a negative stimulus to increase a good behaviour, whereas punishment, including positive punishment, aims to reduce unwanted behaviour by adding or removing stimuli.

Understanding the impact of using punishment in training is crucial. Punishment methods can have unclear and unpredictable outcomes because they do not necessarily make it clear to the dog what behaviour is desired.

Instead, punishment can instill fear, anxiety, or confusion, making it difficult for the dog to understand how to avoid future corrections.

On the other hand, negative reinforcement requires the dog to understand exactly what behavior will remove the aversive stimulus, making it a clearer and often more effective method for teaching desired behaviors. Always aim for training methods that enhance understanding and trust between you and your dog.

Understanding the Difference: Negative Reinforcement vs. Punishment

When it comes to teaching our furry friends not to snatch food from the table, it’s crucial to understand the fine line between negative reinforcement and punishment.

Negative Reinforcement involves creating a scenario where the dog learns that a certain behaviour leads to the removal of an unwanted experience. For instance, if your dog tries to grab a snack from the table, you block access to the food and firmly say “no.” You may also increase the distance of the food and the dog, so that the food is out of reach. These are subtle applications of aversive stimuli to the dog, as we are preventing them from reaching the object that they desire.

If they offer the sit behaviour, you can reward them with a small piece of the snack. Here, the negative condition (being blocked from the food) is removed when the desired behaviour (sitting) is displayed, which reinforces the good behaviour without causing undue stress or confusion. The process of removing the aversive stimuli is referred to as negative reinforcement.

Training your dog to avoid snatching food off the table might require a bit of patience and strategy. Initially, you may find that you need to reinforce simply having them stand on the ground near the table without attempting to grab food.

Once they’ve got that down, you can move on to reinforcing them for sitting calmly on the ground. And finally, when those behaviors are well established, you can further reinforce the behavior of lying down on the ground.

Each step builds on the previous one, making it a smoother learning process for your dog and ensuring they understand exactly what you’re asking of them. Remember, consistency and patience are key!

Punishment, on the other hand, introduces an unpleasant response to an undesired behaviour. If the dog goes for the food on the table, you might react by loudly saying “No!” or by isolating them briefly. This approach can stop the behavior immediately, but it may also lead to fear, anxiety, or confusion. The dog knows they did something wrong but might not understand how to correct their behaviour, might not even know what they did was wrong, or might associate the punishment with the trainer rather than the action of stealing food.

In a friendly, practical approach to training, we lean more towards negative reinforcement. It builds a clear association between specific actions and outcomes in the dog’s mind without negative emotions. Over time, this method not only stops them from taking food off the table but also strengthens the trust and bond between you and your dog. Remember, consistency is key, and patience pays off. We’re not just stopping a behaviour; we’re teaching our dogs how to be their best selves.

Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an aversive stimulus. By design, if the aversive stimulus is not already present, the handler would have to apply the aversive stimulus. Sounds like punishment? Because it is – you are re applying a form of pressure or discomfort to discourage unwanted behaviour.

Because negative reinforcement generally requires the application of an aversive stimulus. The risk of applying this technique is higher and should only be executed based on instructions from a professional dog trainer.

The Nuanced Role of Conditioned Aversive Signals

Conditioned aversive signals are part of negative reinforcement and must be used with care. They signal to the dog that relief is on the way if they change their behaviour.

Once your dog starts to grasp that they shouldn’t try to get food off the table, introducing a firm “No” as a conditioned aversive signal can really up your training game. Timing is crucial here; you’ll want to say “No” the moment you notice your dog eyeing the food on the table but before they actually make a move to snag a bite. This preemptive correction helps maximize the effectiveness of your training efforts.

If your dog then chooses to sit or divert their attention away from the temptation, this is your golden opportunity to shower them with positive reinforcement. On the flipside, if your dog disregards the warning and attempts to reach for the food, that’s when you apply the aversive stimulus—like blocking them with your hand or increasing the distance between them and the tempting chicken wing on the table.

This strategy gives your dog a clear option to engage in the desired behaviour (like sitting or staying put) before any aversive stimulus comes into play.

Through this approach, you’re not just teaching your dog what not to do, but also giving them a clear pathway to the behaviour you want to see, building a more understanding and trusting relationship in the process.

Wrapping Up

The magic of reinforcement lies in its ability to encourage and shape behaviours through positive interactions and understanding. Remember, for a behaviour to be reinforced, it first needs to be expressed. Our four-legged friends are always learning, and with the right approach, we can guide them towards being the best versions of themselves.

Does positive reinforcement training work on dogs?

Absolutely! Positive reinforcement is a powerful, effective, and humane way to train dogs.

However, it’s important to note that when we talk about training our furry friends, it’s really important to get specific with our terms. Saying just “positive reinforcement” can actually be a bit misleading, because we’re typically combining both negative and positive reinforcement to achieve the best results. This blend is crucial for maximal effectiveness. Relying solely on positive reinforcement can be challenging to manage at times.

Can you train a dog with positive reinforcements only?

It’s definitely possible to train using only positive reinforcement, and for beginners, this is often the safest route. The margin for error is much broader here because the consequences of getting it slightly wrong are generally less severe.

How do I start positive reinforcement training my dog?

Look out for the desired behavior and reward it as soon as you see it. This is key because you can’t reward a behavior that hasn’t happened yet. If your furry friend isn’t naturally giving you the behavior you want, don’t worry. This is where the concept of “shaping” behaviors comes into play. Shaping involves rewarding actions that are close to the desired behavior, gradually guiding your dog towards exactly what you’re looking for.

What are R+ dog methods training?

R+ stands for positive reinforcement, focusing solely on rewarding desired behaviours.

Our personal takeaway? While positive reinforcement might not take the trophy for being the most effective method out there, it wins hands-down as the safest bet for beginners.

And hey, this is exactly how I kicked off my dog training adventure. But as we got more in tune with each other, and I got a better read on my dog’s behaviour and learning style, mixing in a bit of negative reinforcement.

What are some positive reinforcement tools for dogs?

Treats, toys, praises, and clickers are among the most popular tools. Treats are a classic and effective way to reward good behavior, while toys can be used for more energetic pups. Praises, such as “good dog” or a belly rub, can also be powerful motivators for your furry friend. Clickers are useful for marking desired behaviors and creating a clear communication system between you and your dog. Ultimately, the best tool is one

Do dogs respond better to positive or negative reinforcement?

Most modern research and practice indicate that dogs respond favourably to positive reinforcement, fostering trust and a stronger bond between pet and owner.

How to discipline a dog with positive reinforcement?

The term “disciplining a dog” can often give the wrong impression, painting a picture of a furry little rebel deliberately trying to push your buttons. But here’s the thing – dogs aren’t wired to act out of spite or mischief. They don’t sit around plotting ways to get on your nerves.

What looks like a spiteful act is often just a case of a behavior that’s been accidentally reinforced by us, the pet parents. Maybe we laughed once when they stole a sock, making them think it’s a great game.

The good news? These behaviours can be effectively redirected with the right reinforcement techniques.

What is the difference between reinforcement and punishment in dog training?

Reinforcement encourages good behaviour to repeat, while punishment tries to reduce or eliminate unwanted behaviour.

As we touched on earlier, while punishment might stop unwanted behavior momentarily, it doesn’t communicate to our furry friends what we’d like them to do instead. If we simply punish them without providing clear guidance on the desired behavior, we’re missing the chance to build a language of mutual understanding. Both you and your dog will find it frustrating and confusing.

Instead, by focusing on guiding and rewarding what we do want, we create a path they can follow, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Is positive punishment effective in dog training?

Positive punishment can have immediate effects, but it’s often not as effective in the long term and can harm the trust between you and your dog.

Practices involving punishment can instigate fear, elevate anxiety, erode trust, and critically, damage the precious bond we share with our furry companions. Our goal is always to nurture a relationship built on understanding and mutual respect, where our dogs feel secure and loved, not fearful or anxious.

Thank you!

Exploring the realm of dog training through the lens of positive and negative reinforcement opens up a world of understanding and connectivity with our canine companions. Armed with knowledge and empathy, we can foster environments where our pets thrive, guided by the principles of kindness, clarity, and respect. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow together. Welcome to the rewarding world of dog training!

Thank you words, to express gratitude to our readers

Thanks, Peace and Love!
Shafik Walakaka

2024 Shafik Walakaka. Please submit feedback and comments here!